Here to help you grow

We are here to help you along your journey to grow your company by fulfilling a variety of technology, creative, & business needs in a consolidated and cost-effective manner. We aim to create deep partnerships with our clients and reap the synergies created through involvement in multiple facets of your organization. submit the form at the bottom of the page to get in touch and let us know how we can be of service to your team!

Our Services

  • Product Consulting

    Thinking about building an application, website, or other software? We can help you think through the why, what, and how to ensure your project will drive your business goals and be valued by your customers.

  • Software Development

    When you are ready to build, we can handle that too. Our team offers cost-effective engineering services without compromising on quality by working with offshore development teams.

  • Digital Creative

    Let us help you connect and resonate with your audience by leveraging our marketing & design services to create more impactful communications and experiences.

  • Business Process Outsourcing

    Rely on our highly skilled and flexibly priced talent to handle entire business functions like Virtual Assistance, Sales (in/outbound), Customer Service, Accounting, Payroll, HR, etc.

About us

We partner with offshore teams in Lebanon to fulfill tech, creative, and business needs for U.S. companies in a cost-effective and high-quality way. We work with Lebanon because our mission is to help rebuild their economy by providing them with foreign income opportunities, but you may be thinking - Why should I work with Lebanon?

  • World Economic Forum ranked Lebanon #10 globally in overall education, and #3 in math & science (STEM)

  • Lebanon is a trilingual nation, with working-class adults having achieved fluency in Arabic, English, and French

  • Due to the recent economic collapse, the nation’s highly skilled and educated workforce is now working for more globally competitive rates, making them a new labor-exporting superpower

Get in touch

Let us know how we can help you, and we will be in touch to sort out the details. We are looking forward to working with you!